Join the Warwick Valley Pollinator Pathway

Everyone can join by adding native pollinator-friendly plants, subtracting a little lawn (cut high or reduce the size), and avoiding the use of pesticides and lawn chemicals. You can add anywhere from one pollinator-friendly tree or planter, to a small pollinator garden, to a full meadow. By joining the Warwick Valley Pollinator Pathway you will be added to our mailing list and will receive our infrequent informational mailings and a reminder of upcoming Pollinator Pathway meetings. Please indicate whether you would like to have your property location indicated on our map. To protect your privacy your name will not be listed. The exception to this would be for businesses and public spaces, etc. If you have any questions please write them in the comments section below.


Please share photos of your Pollinator Garden with the other members of the WVPP. We’d love to see what you are growing!

Just click the button to send us an email and attach your photos. Remember to include a short description.