January 2023

Wednesday January 18, 2023

Meeting chair: Bill Greene

Presentation by Orange & Rockland

Christian Woods of Orange & Rockland gave a presentation on a pilot project that gives Warwick residents the option to lease a solar PV system for their home with a couple bonus features. You can view Christian's slide presentation here.


Background: Much of Warwick receives electricity through the Wisner Substation. During peak demand (think hot summer days when lots of us are running the air conditioning full blast…), sometimes there are supply constraints for getting enough electricity to and through this substation. One solution would be to put in more power lines and perhaps another power plant, which would be expensive. Another solution could be to add battery storage within the affected service area. In effect there would be a backup supply of energy ready to help out for peak demand circumstances. The pilot project is testing out the possibilities for having that backup supply spread throughout individual homes.


Pilot Project Details: O&R has partnered with Sunrun for this project. Their goal is to have up to 300 homes in Warwick get solar panels installed with backup batteries. The backup batteries come at no extra cost to the homeowner (that’s bonus feature #1). However, the homeowner must agree to let O&R access up to 80% of the energy stored on the battery at peak demand times, which is estimated to be just a handful of times every year. In most cases Sunrun leases the PV system to the homeowner, but sometimes the homeowner can purchase the system. Selling a house that has a leased PV system on it can be a headache, but for participants in this pilot project Sunrun has agreed to remove the PV system if the new homeowners do not want to continue the lease (that’s bonus feature #2)


Solar Consumer Education: Everyone should take advantage of the opportunity to save money by going solar. If you don’t own your home or if your home is not suitable for solar panels, perhaps because of too much shade or a roof aimed the wrong direction, you can sign up for community solar and save up to 10% on your electricity bill. If your home is appropriate for solar panels, the choice is whether to purchase or lease a system. In general, purchasing will save more money over the long run than leasing, especially if you can take advantage of the federal and New York State tax credits. There are also 3.5% loans available to many homeowners for assistance with purchasing PV systems. Whether you decide to buy or lease, be sure to get at least 3 quotes from reputable companies. It’s a complex decision, so look for assistance or a good advisor when you take this step. At our February meeting (2/15/2023 @ 7:30 PM), we’ll be hosting Cornell Cooperative Extension’s new Orange County Community Energy Advisor, Fernando Ahumada (faa53@cornell.edu), who will help us understand the array of rebates, incentives and other resources available for making our homes energy efficient, going solar, getting heat pumps and generally going green.


To learn more about O&R’s pilot project, contact Christian Woods at O&R (woodsc@oru.com; 917-359-0137).  You could also visit the Sunrun website or call them at 844-809-3745 and mention the partnership with Orange and Rockland Utilities. 

Committee Updates

Sustainable World Book Club: In December we read “Eat Like A Fish,” which we all enjoyed. It was written by a former fisherman who has kept his salty language even while developing into a kelp and seaweed farmer and entrepreneur. In January we read “White Fragility,” which made for a meaningful discussion. Not always an enjoyable read but very worthwhile. Next month's title is “Sounds Wild and Broken,” by David Haskell. Everyone is welcome to join our book club. BookClub@sustainablewarwick.org

Coolest Recycling Drive: Michael is organizing a scheme to collect appliances with refrigerants from throughout Warwick to properly recover the refrigerants at no cost to participants. The refrigerants are extremely intense greenhouse gasses, so this is a valuable service. The Coolest Recycling Drive 2023 will be held the week of Earth Day (April 22nd) and will be part of Operation Clean Sweep. For more information or to volunteer to help please contact CleanEnergy@sustainablewarwick.org.

New Wickham Woodlands Garden Project: At Wickham Woodlands, the area between the fences that surround the former prison belongs to the Town. The DPW will clear out this overgrown area this spring so it can be worked with. There are many possible ways to use this space, such as for an arboretum, a sculpture garden, or a native plants nursery. SW is looking to work with partners on developing this new garden. Contact Geoff Howard if interested in participating. howards@warwick.net


Water quality: Environmental Advocates has let us know that the NYS Department of Health in February will be discussing making the standards for PFAS (aka “forever chemicals") more stringent. Recent water testing in Warwick has shown levels of PFAS that are under the current standards, but will most likely be over the levels of what updated standards will advise. Individual homeowners can install reverse osmosis water filters to avoid PFAS in their drinking water, but at some point municipal governments may be required to respond, and there are other ways we are exposed to PFAS besides just drinking water. This is a new topic that we should be ready to respond to. Comments or questions? SteeringCommittee@sustainablewarwick.org

Riverkeeper: This year’s Riverkeeper clearing event is scheduled for May 6 and will focus on Memorial Park.

Green Screen: In February, SW’s Green Screen will interview the candidates for the upcoming Warwick Village Board election to be held in March. Let us know if you are interested in participating. SteeringCommittee@sustainablewarwick.org
The next SW meeting will be on February 15, 2023.

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