September 2023

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Meeting chair: Bill Greene

Project Updates

Transformation Trails at Wickham Woodlands: Geoff and Bill talked about Transformation Trails and the success it has been so far. The plan is for two pollinator meadows, an arboretum, a sculpture garden and eventually an amphitheater overlooking the lake. SW (with the help of anonymous donors) has put up $4,000 of matching funds, and up to now more than $2,200 has been contributed by friends of Warwick.  [Follow-up note from after the meeting: Warwick Shade Tree Commissioner Karen Emmerich has ordered trees for planting this fall, and some of the funds we have raised will be used to purchase 17 of the trees that will be planted. November 4th may be the planting date – mark your calendar if you want to help.]

A great deal of work will be involved in all these projects so it was agreed to set up a subcommittee that can report to SW on the progress. Members: Bill, Geoff, Greg, Peter, Danae, Michael and Josh. We are still signing up new members for this committee and also encourage more 
donations to support Transformation Trails.

One of the long-term goals for this project is to broaden the knowledge and experience of growing a pollinator meadow to residents throughout Warwick. For example, we will learn the best ways to smother the area to clear it for the pollinator meadows and which plants grow best on this site. Maybe we can even share seeds and plants to help other households do this.

Food Scraps Collection: Christy updated us on the great success of the composting stand at the Farmers Market, which is now filling up almost six 27-gallon bins per week. Christy, Geoff and Kate visited Dan Doyle, the farmer who takes in all the food scraps. Dan is committed to continuing the project and possibly expanding it.

Josh, a chef from Eddie’s Roadhouse restaurant, indicated his employer was interested in spearheading efforts to expand food-scrap collection to Warwick’s restaurants and breweries. Geoff, Kate, Christy, Josh and Eddie from Eddie’s Roadhouse planned to meet with Ermin Siljkovic, Orange County Recycling Coordinator, to help chart a course for this new work. Michael pointed out that 10% of all greenhouse gases emitted in New York State come from the methane gas rising off landfills, primarily because of rotting food waste. Composting food scraps not only creates great material for amending soils, it’s also 
one of the solutionsfor addressing climate issues.

The Village of Warwick’s Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Task Force:Kate, Christina, Michael and Geoff are now on this task force. Kate reported that thanks to Village Trustee Tom McKnight, the Village has already achieved the bronze certification and is the first municipality in Orange County to do this. It seems just a matter of time before the Village gets the silver certification, but that will take some work.
As part of NY’s CSC program, the Village now has a Climate Action Plan, which outlines the variety of actions the Village can take. Here are a few of the many ideas under consideration for further actions:

  • Create a “Take It Or Leave It” shed near the Village’s DPW site, where residents can “leave” useful items that others may want to “take”.

  • Expand food scrap drop-off times.

  • Develop a refrigerant management program.

  • Create a calendar of green local events.


“The Forever Chemicals,” a film (26 minutes) produced by Detroit PBS, tells the story of communities and individuals in Michigan impacted by PFAS. Please register in advance for the film and discussion led by Sustainable Warwick, to be held at the Albert Wisner Public Library on Monday, October 16th, at 6:30 PM.

Sustainable World Book Club: Christina reported on the Book Club. The last book was Entangled Life about the huge importance of Fungi. We all learned a lot about the important and hidden role of fungi, but sometimes got bogged down in the author’s detours and details! The book for our October 10th meeting, a novel, is The New Wilderness, by Diane Cook. Copies are available at the library, and new readers are always welcome.

Zoom Garden Plot: The next Zoom Garden Plot meeting will be on October 9th at 7:30 pm. We discuss all things gardening in the Warwick Valley. Beginner, intermediate and advanced gardeners are all welcome.

The next meeting of Sustainable Warwick will be Wednesday, October 18th, at 7:30 PM – to be held via Zoom.

Sustainable Warwick is always looking for more volunteers to participate in and lead our various projects. To get involved contact the Steering Committee or check out the initiatives underway on our website.

Please keep in touch!

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