February 2020

Old Business

Refrigerants Committee (Michael Helme):
 A. Update on Coolest Recycling Drive of 2020: Refrigerants recycling typical costs $15 per item, but our cost has gone down to $6.50. The Lions Club has agreed to pay 1/3 of the recycling fee. We are also asking those recycling their appliances for a voluntary donation. More details on timing of events will be released soon. 
B. NY DEC is proposing new regulations that restrict the sale of certain appliances, equipment, and foams with HFCs.

Thanks to Community2gether:
Our Memorandum of Understanding with C2g specifies in all of our publicity we need to mention SW is under the umbrella of C2g. Please contact Christy with requests for the C2g logo if needed. We are willing to share that MOU with anyone who would like to see it. Please email sustainablewarwick5@gmail.com with a request to see it. We encourage committee chairs especially to review it.

Green Screen (Geoff Howard + Bill Greene):
A few years ago SW members interviewed candidates for the school board based around sustainability issues. It was published and successful in the sense that 4 candidates were running for 3 spots, and the 3 that were were very "pro-sustainability" were elected. Those 3 then put into place a number of initiatives that were positive in our opinion. We've decided to bring the practice forward again, beginning with the upcoming Village Board election in March, the School Board in May, the Town Board later this year, and then again every election cycle. We will interview the candidates, ask questions about sustainability as it relates to the village, schools, and town, and report their responses to the Sustainable Warwick mailing list and to press. We have plans to expand the Green Screen to Florida and Greenwood Lake and may one day expand it to state assembly and senate level. 

So far 3 candidates have been interviewed for the Village Board elections.

New Business

  • Repair Cafe. Joan Maxwell, Co-Chair, introduced herself to the group and spoke to her experience with the Repair Cafe. She brought to our attention that the Repair Cafe, while well-attended, is not well-funded. Payton volunteered to plan a fundraiser for one of SW's greatest assets.

  • Summer Plans for HS and College Students. How can we involve them in SW and encourage time outside? Michael asked Henry if there is anything we can do to get students outside. Henry mentioned how active Ulster County is, that the teens were encouraged to create a YESS Summit in their own county or anything hands-on and educational. They went on a nature walk and learned about the Ashokan reservoir. (The YESS Summit was held at the Ashokan Center). Mary suggested we connect the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and the Carey Institute to local teens.

  • We will participate in the EcoChallenge again in April, stay tuned for more details, we encourage committees to plan events that tie in to Drawdown/ would earn points for team members.

  • Pitch Night: it's goals and format, up for review. This was bumped off the agenda because of more pressing write-in items.

  • Going Green/ $aving Green (Michael Helme). Some members stayed after the end of the meeting to contribute information to a presentation Michael is putting together. If you would like to learn more/contribute, please contact sustainablewarwick5@gmail.com

  • The new website for SustainableWarwick.org is almost done! We plan to launch in the next few days

  • Earth Fest, Warwick 2020 dates have been announced: April 25th and 26th. Please watch Wickhamworks.org and SustainableWarwick.org for 2020 details.

  • Abbey Ashley suggested a sneaker drive/ a drive for sports shoes as kids grow out of them quickly. Payton will add that to the Too Good To Toss Committee agenda

  • Greenwood Lake drawdown. Is there an opportunity to understand why that is done? How can we explore the benefits beyond dock repairs and killing harmful/ invasive plant life?

  • Earth Day Programming is upcoming at the library! It will include film screenings, a talk by Jen Metzger, an art exhibit and more! Stay tuned to albertwisnerlibrary.org and sustainablewarwick.org for details soon!

  • Alice McMechen called for volunteers for two events:

    • Pacem in Terris, the sculpture gardens on both sides of Wawayanda Creek just before it enters New Jersey (96 Covered Bridge Road), requests volunteers to help with the spring cleanup of their watershed on April 18th and 19th. Pacem in Terris will open for the season in May.  Call the office at 845.986.4329 for details or email Alice McMechen at AliceM@warwick.net

    • Volunteers are also needed May 2, 9:30-12:30, for the annual watershed clean up at Memorial Park in the Village of Warwick.  This event is one among many that day around the Hudson Valley sponsored by Riverkeeper.  Locally, it is being coordinated by members of the Creek Committee.  Contact Janet Phillips at jtphillips57@gmail.com or Alice McMechen at alicem@warwick.net for details.

  • Anthony Salpietro visited from Solstice. He is our new point of contact for their community solar and fundraising.

  • Orange Environment is sponsoring "How to Grow Mushrooms in Your Own Backyard" March 7th 9-12 $45 1:30-5pm. $75 for afternoon session. Click here to download the details.

Christy Erfer