Sustainable Warwick Membership


From one point of view, anyone in Warwick who practices gardening, makes their home energy efficient, strives to eat a plant-rich diet, supports local farmers by eating locally grown food, installs solar panels, brings their own shopping bags and/or any of the many other sustainable practices promoted by Sustainable Warwick is automatically a member of our group.  But by becoming an active member of Sustainable Warwick, you will be able to learn about sustainable practices much more quickly and be in a position to help others throughout Warwick adopt them.

If you are considering becoming a new member, please fill in the registration form. After you click the submit button, we'll ask you to tell us a little about your email preferences. Thank you for considering active membership in Sustainable Warwick!

New Member Registration


Renew Your Membership

Every July we ask members to renew their membership and to bring along friends and neighbors who want to be part of our community. 

The suggested annual donation for renewing a membership is $25, but that amount is waived with no questions asked for anyone who doesn’t want to make the donation (please email us about this). And larger donations will be gratefully accepted. Please select “Annual Membership” from the dropdown menu when you make your donation. Thank you.

If you prefer to make your donation by check:

Please make it out to Community2gether and note “SW membership” in the memo.

Mail it to:
Sustainable Warwick
PO Box 1270
Warwick, NY 10990-8270