February 2022

Kat Carroll, Clean Energy Communities Coordinator, gave a brief presentation on the Climate Smart Communities program. To qualify, municipalities need to register, create a task force, and designate a task force coordinator. The purpose is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience in the face of climate change. More than 343 NYS municipalities have joined. Kat is available to work with the Village of Warwick and the town on implementing this. Online tutorials on how to achieve CSC goals are also available. A number of 50/50 grants can be obtained as points are accumulated.

Draft Scoping Plan for the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA): Mary reported on Jen Metzger’s presentation the plan and urged people to comment during the comment period (through April). We supported passage of the CLCPA, which set goals for reducing greenhouse emissions, transitioning to renewable energy, efficiency, and conservation while supporting displaced workers and communities most impacted by past energy practices, and planning for resiliency. The scoping plan details what needs to be done to achieve those goals, which will require new legislation, new or revised regulations, and budgeting. The plan will result in savings in terms of reduced impact of climate change, improved health, and new jobs.

Metzger’s presentation can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/NYCLCPA-JMetzgerSlides-220212

The link to the comment page is here: https://climate.ny.gov/

Committee Updates

Pollinators Pathway: Julia reported that seeds of native pollinator plants have already been planted, and plants will be given away. One outlet may be the Farmers’ Markets, but other ways of distributing them are being investigated. There may also be room for a pollinator garden at Stanley Deming Park.

Green Screen: Bill G., Geoff, and Christina interviewed Village of Warwick candidates on sustainability issues. Results have been submitted to the Advertiser and Dispatch for publication. One trustee candidate has not yet responded, but the committee will reach out to him again.
The full interviews will also be available in the coming days on the Green Screen webpage.

Sustainable World Book Club: Christina shared that copies of the March selection, Animal, Vegetable, Junk by Mark Bittman are now available at Albert Wisner Public Library. You can pick up the book at the front desk. Book Club will meet via Zoom to discuss it on March 8th at 3 PM. For more information visit the Book Club webpage.

Christy ErferComment