March 2021

Zoom meetings continue — Making a difference from right there in your easy chair!

Opposition to the Danskammer plant continues. Update and training TONIGHT, March 23rd at 7pm. Complete information on hearing participation and talking points.

Michelle Dunn gave a presentation on why we should all be gardening more and encouraging others to do the same, with a focus on getting children involved. Food shortages, climate change, soil degradation, fertilizer runoff, declining skills and nature deficit disorder can all be positively impacted by more gardening. Michelle spoke about how simple it is to get started, how to grow herbs, how to use leaf mold most efficiently and how to interest, engage and inspire the future generation of gardeners, aka kids. Wisner Library has a program for kids as well.

Click the blue button to view the meeting's slide presentation.

SW March 17th Meeting Slides

Zoom Garden Plot - Chad spoke about the Zoom meetings that have been bringing gardeners together since the pandemic started. Videos of the meetings are all available on the SW website. Greenwood Lake is following Warwick’s example and creating its own Community Garden, part for members only and part for the public, also with an emphasis on involving kids.

Community Solar - Michael updated the discussion on Community Solar as an important development for our 21st century grid. We have found 5 local nonprofits to partner with and 2 community solar companies. People who enroll get a $100 signup bonus and the nonprofit they choose gets a $100 referral bonus.

It’s a win for the environment, for the customers and for the nonprofits, so we are calling it the Triple Win Campaign. The nonprofits who have already signed up to be in the campaign are:

  • Grow Local Greenwood Lake

  • Warwick Valley Humane Society

  • Safe Space America

  • Community Center

  • Family Central

When the campaign really gets going, we will need help getting the word out with letters to the papers, etc. For more information please contact

CLCPA Update - Mary told us about NYRenews and updated us on the progress of the CCIA and the CLCPA. Rallies and events are planned to support this initiative and to counter False Solutions to the climate crisis.
Mary has circulated a request to contact local leaders to rally against false solutions and other issues in support of the CLCPA. If you would like to be added to SW's Environmental Activism mailing list, please contact Mary.

Climate and Energy Committee - Michael notified us of a webinar that will take place in collaboration with all three Libraries on Tuesday, March 23rd at 7pm. The webinar will feature Sean Welsh, a Community Energy Advisor from Cornell Cooperative, talking about “Saving Money through Clean Energy,” particularly community solar and improving the efficiency of our homes with proper sealing and insulation. To sign up, send an email to

Book Club – Christina advised the last read, Energy by Richard Rhodes, was quite challenging but helped by Bill’s suggestions to skip to the last two chapters. The next book is PARABLE OF THE TALENTS by Octavia Butler, which seems to be predicting the rise of our most recent president. Should be a good discussion. Please contact Christina at to receive the Zoom meeting login.

Riverkeepers - Christina reported that the joint event with Riverkeepers to clear the Wawayanda Creek in Memorial Park in the village will be on May 1st. Posters will be available after the end of March and we are working on promoting the event after that. Bill generously offered to donate work gloves for this event.

Refrigerant Leaks - Michael spoke about an investigative report on refrigerant leaks in grocery stores, which have enormous greenhouse gas footprints. Check out the story here.

Say NO to Plastic - We ended the meeting by sharing the products we have found effective in avoiding plastic. Christy found a great bar shampoo and conditioner called HiBar. She finds it lasts 3+ months and well worth the price. Bill found silk dental floss in a small glass bottle. Julia, Michell, Teresa and others found laundry solutions to avoid the large plastic containers of detergent and sustainable options for dishwasher detergent and concentrated cleaners, etc. packaged in recyclable paper cartons, bags and boxes can be found on these websites:,,, Check out for all non-plastic packaging and refills.

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