October 2024
Sustainable Warwick Minutes
October 16, 2024
Meeting chair: Michael Helme
Committee Updates
SW Pollinator Pathway - Our committee worked with Orange Environment to hold a planting day at Mountain Lake Park on Monday, October 14th. Participants included children from Brownies, Future Farmers of America, and TACA Community Robotics as well as other volunteers from the community. The plants were selected based on aesthetic qualities, deer resistance and benefits to local insects. The site was a steeply sloped hillside, just beside the pickleball courts, which was pointed out by Park Director Sam Walter as a difficult to mow and maintain location. More details about the plants and the project are available here.
On Wednesday, October 9th, we also hosted an event at the Albert Wisner Public Library to introduce the Hudson Valley Pollinator Action Guide. Avalon Bunge described how entomologists studied declining insect populations of the Hudson Valley and then botanists researched which native plants were most beneficial for boosting the most challenged populations. The Action Guide is a great resource for homeowners and gardeners, landowners and farmers – for everyone who wants to take action to support pollinators in the Hudson Valley. pollinators@sustainablewarwick.org
Compost Committee - This great committee continues collecting food scraps at the Warwick Valley Farmers Market, every Sunday from 9 AM to 2 PM. They have recently visited Dan Doyle’s farm and are pleased to report a fresh batch of compost will be ready soon. They plan to share the compost with community gardens. Is there a good way to continue collecting compost through the winter this year? The committee is currently working on this question and seeks alternatives for those who interested. Volunteers wanted! More volunteers at the farmers market are always welcome. We have openings in the schedule for November, please reach out to the committee! Garden@sustainablewarwick.org
Sustainable World Book Club: The readers in our Book Club discussed The Big Fix: Seven Practical Steps to Save Our Planet by Hal Harvey and Justin Gillis. The “seven practical steps” would be more practical if there was more political will to take the steps. For November, we’ll read Not the End of the World; How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet, by Hannah Ritchie. Copies are available at the library and everyone is welcome to join our discussion on November 12, 2024, at 3 PM. BookClub@sustainablewarwick.org
Helpsy - A Helpsy drop box is located by Warwick Town Hall, near the police station. Our members are meeting with officials in the villages of Florida and Warwick to have new drop-boxes installed. Helpsy boxes accept clothing and accessories, and they even take worn or stained clothes that can only be used for rags. Not only does Helpsy pick up from the box as often as needed to keep it organized, they also pay the municipality that installs it by the pound for what is received.
Zoom Garden Plot: has closed down for the season and will return next spring. If you’re looking for something to warm up to over the winter, check out the recordings from ZGP conversations. Garden@sustainablewarwick.org
Guest Speaker
Village Trustee Tom McKnight gave a short presentation on the Village’s efforts to earn points and grants through New York State’s Clean Energy Communities and Climate Smart Communities programs. Points and grants are given for completing action items that help the Village and its residents thrive and live more sustainably. The image below summarizes some of the actions the Village has taken to receive nearly $200,000 in grants through these programs.
Upcoming Event
The Transformation Trails group will assist the Town of Warwick Tree Commission with planting trees in the new arboretum on Saturday, November 2, starting at 10 AM. Please contact Transformation Trails for more information. ttwarwickinfo@gmail.com
Next Meeting
November 20, 2024, we’ll once again hold an all-you-can-eat-and-drink Zoom session at 7:30 PM. (Of course, you’ll have to provide your own food and beverage, but at least you know your dietary preferences will be accommodated.) Until then, please keep in touch.
Thank you to everyone who has made their annual membership contribution and to everyone who donates their time and effort throughou